I am now on my way home from a great mission tour to South Sudan. I am very thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ for his love and mercy and for the rich blessings he gave us in meetings and seminars.
Two great days with the pastors and church leaders.
After having finished the two days with the Members of Parliament, we started the last training in The students2Million Leaders Mandate Volume I. The participants are full of excitement and they are just hungry for more. We learn from Maxwell that a leader is a learner, and now diplom1they are just looking forward to starting Volume II next year.
We had the training in Juba Christian Centre also this time, and Fermo Ogilla from Every Home for Christ and his team had arranged everything great. The last day we had the graduation with giving out of the Certificates, and we had 47 leaders that had finished all the 6 seminars over a period of approximately 3 years. In the picture you see pastor Charles from Yambio receiving his Certificate. Behind is our organizer, Fermo Ogilla.
Two great days with the pastors and church leaders.
After having finished the two days with the Members of Parliament, we started the last training in The students2Million Leaders Mandate Volume I. The participants are full of excitement and they are just hungry for more. We learn from Maxwell that a leader is a learner, and now diplom1they are just looking forward to starting Volume II next year.
We had the training in Juba Christian Centre also this time, and Fermo Ogilla from Every Home for Christ and his team had arranged everything great. The last day we had the graduation with giving out of the Certificates, and we had 47 leaders that had finished all the 6 seminars over a period of approximately 3 years. In the picture you see pastor Charles from Yambio receiving his Certificate. Behind is our organizer, Fermo Ogilla.
Strong testimonies from students
I am very excited about the testimonies we received from the students, and one of them, Roman Moses, (picture) told new-witness--from-MLMus how his life had been changed through the Million Leaders Mandate training. He had got a new fire in his Christian life, and writes: “I want to testify that the Equip training has changed my life spiritually. Some months ago I was praying God, and he directed me to start something for his people. I was able to establish a ministry, I met with a leader from a church and was able to conduct training of reconciliation. We prayed for a woman and she got healed and gave me a land to start a fellowship. I got started and now the members are more than 400 and two generals from Abeyei gave their life to Christ and gave me a land in Abeyei for church planting and building a school. Now I am ready to go for this great mission work and will go with Pastor William Deng.”
I am very excited about the testimonies we received from the students, and one of them, Roman Moses, (picture) told new-witness--from-MLMus how his life had been changed through the Million Leaders Mandate training. He had got a new fire in his Christian life, and writes: “I want to testify that the Equip training has changed my life spiritually. Some months ago I was praying God, and he directed me to start something for his people. I was able to establish a ministry, I met with a leader from a church and was able to conduct training of reconciliation. We prayed for a woman and she got healed and gave me a land to start a fellowship. I got started and now the members are more than 400 and two generals from Abeyei gave their life to Christ and gave me a land in Abeyei for church planting and building a school. Now I am ready to go for this great mission work and will go with Pastor William Deng.”
Many evangelists and pastors want to reach out to the unreached people groups We had a great gathering of evangelists, pastors and church planters the day after the leadership seminars, and I was very excited to hear their testimonies and the burden they had for different unreached areas and people groups in South Sudan. Several of them are already going, and we are trusting God for more support graduates-nov-2012to send more. Paul is telling us: “How can they preach if they are not sent”, and we want to raise up senders that can do that. Our burden is to finish the task Jesus gave us! More preachers want to start farming I have been urging pastors and leaders to start small scale farming them self and encourage others to do the same – both for their own health and also for getting food for themselves and even for sale. The last day in the seminar I got very excited as one of the preachers came and gave me a bag with vegetables that he had been growing in his own garden, and he was telling how it had blessed him! I hope many will follow his example. Three good days at the coast of Kenya before leaving for Norway The last weekend I spent at the coast of Kenya, preaching there in the service on Sunday and having some time of working and coming up to date with reports and writings. It was good to see many people seeking salvation and great testimonies of healing. We are starting up the Volume II of Million Leaders Mandate training there next year, and I am looking forward to that. Live the life of Jesus and let His fire burn in you! Jesus is soon coming back – we believe it and we preach it. The signs of the time is clearer than ever and it has never been as important to be ready as today! The serious thing we always should remember is that the Bible tells us that many Christians that think they are ready – they are actually NOT ready. We read about the people knocking on the door and saying Lord, Lord, let us in! But he answered and said: Truly I say to you: I have no knowledge of you! He also tells that many will come and tell that they had prophesied and done miracles in His name, and he would tell them: I have never known you! I do not want to be among these – and Jesus told that we should know them from the fruits. We read about the fruits in Galatians 5,22-23: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, a quiet mind, kind acts, well-doing, faith, gentle behaviour, control over desires”. Jesus did not come with a better religion, but he came with the new life of the Spirit! That is why Romans 8;14 tells us: “Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” It is the life that flows from us as believers, that is important. James is very clear when he tells that “faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” in James 2;17 and in James 2;26 he says: “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.” Let your life shine today – let the fruits grow and let Jesus be revealed through you, Ronald! It is so important to watch and pray in this time and be ready and waiting for Jesus to come back. Paul tells the Corinthian church in 2nd Cor. 13;5: “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you – unless, of course, you fail the test?” It was not their confession of faith they should check – but if Jesus was alive in their life and did his deeds through them. Let your own die, and let Jesus get full freedom to work in your life! Jesus died and paid for our sins, but we have ourselves to receive him and give him full control of our life! He is the only one that can forgive and cleanse us, but there is no forgiveness without repentance and the new life! Now is the time to seek the Lord as never before and be ready every day, waiting and expecting Him! Greetings Jan Ernst |